Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Off my rocker

It's funny the way things work out. I mean if you really think about it most things end up different than originally planned. In fact it seems the more planning I try to do the futher from my intended path is were I end up. However on the flip-side should I not do any planning my life tends to fall into a routine that turns everything I do into boredom.

So if every plan we've constructed is sure to drastically change along the way why then do we continue to plan? I'll tell you why it is because we don't have a clue what we want. At one point or another we may think we really know what we want, and some people do, but if we really knew what we wanted I think we be more ambitious tenatious about acheiving our dreams.

When we really want something, do we really want it? Is there some other sort of motivation? Do we only want other things because other people have them or do we want them because it is socially expected?

What types of things do you think you would be without if none of the above impacted you decision on what you really wanted? Would you car be different? You clothes would definitly be different.

I was just kind of sitting in my room and realized that I have a lot of stuff. I was just pondering why I bought half of the things that I have or why I have held on to it so long. It's kind of shocking that there are so many small and insignificant influences in our lives that have a tendency to shape who we are. Kind of a weird post I know but oh well.


Amberae said...

Josh, you're totally right on this one. I have thoughts, but i'll share them later. k bye.

Anonymous said...

You nailed this one on the head. I'm with Amber I have a lot of thoughts but no time to share right now.

T.J. said...

i have no thoughts to share on this subject and all of the time in the world to share that. so,...

L84AROPIN said...

hey henchan, check out my latest post, look for the secret link, I think you'll laugh...

Amberae said...

i don't know anything about plans, coco. sometimes i wish i just knew what would be the best thing to do in every situation. that's the only thing i want.

mostly though i just want to be happy. contentment. solid smiles and bright open eyes.

Kam said...

Josh boy you sure have a way of putting things in a way that just makes sense. I know exactly what you mean. Couldn't be better put.

T.J. said...

joshnormous. let's get a trip to bear lake planned ASAP! sheesh. call me sometime.

Amberae said...

i wanna come!!