Thursday, February 09, 2006

Real life nintendo?

I had the opportunity to serve a mission in Japan the video game capitol of the world, I think. Anyway while I was there I could sense that I was missing something. Something that would help me put the whole culture in perspective. I was in my last are with only two months left or something like that. I was at a members house, parents and a daughter age 25 at the time were the only ones there with us (missionaries). They were letting us teach a mock discussion so we could practice a few techniques with them and towards the end of the conversation I took the opportunity to chastise the daughter for something and when I was finished the mom said to me, Wow Elder Henderson you have really powered up a couple of levels since the last time we had you over at our house.

I was flattered of course because it was only three weeks since the last visit. I couldn't help but think, hot dang, 2 or 3 levels in a time span of a couple of weeks, that's amazing.

Then the lights went on.

I finally found the missing link to understanding the Japanese culture. I was inside a video game world. No wonder Japan make a ton of cool video games they live them. Anything cool that happens into their life they write a program for it and sell it to foriegners who take turns reliving an ordinary day in Japanese life.

I never knew that experience points were actually accumulating above my head as I walked around. I could feel the definite pyscological blow if I ever lost my coins like Sonic or if I happend to lose a level do to sickness. But upon quick reflection at times I could actually pin point the exact moment when I would go up a level. In Japan you also get a turbo boost. I never was quite able to figure out how to use it, but once in a while I could feel it getting used and it was awesome.

On the way to the church from our apartment there was a little jump in the sidewalk that my companion and I would take turns jumping. One day I was taking my turn at the jump and out of nowhere my turbo kicked in I started traveling at mock 3 with the least amount of effort. I hit the jump flew over a broken umbrella that was on the other side of the jump and in mide air I jumped up a level.

That was in my top ten greatest accomplishments of the 7th month of the two thousand and sencond year.

To not make a long story longer, if you think of you life as a video game, and you can find out what things help you power up a level and you can find out how to use your turbo, you can have some great memorable experiences.


T.J. said...

I have learned that in real life when you try to break brick ceilings with your head, coins and mushrooms worth extra life don't come out. Infact, sometimes blood comes out and that actually takes life away.

Shane-o-roo said...

Hey nice work on spelling "mock." What a hoot Josh, you're the man. It's spelled Mach, after some scientist that found out something about the speed of sound. Anyway, I'm no video gamer, but I really liked your blog. Good stuff.

L84AROPIN said...

Amen, amen. i am scoring high points to get me to the "lightning round." at least that is the idea...