Sunday, July 22, 2007

Why would some one do this to me????

I had something ripped away from me without any notice. One of my most prized possessions stolen leaves a pain that would be difficult to reproduce. For over a day now there has been a pit in my stomach, as well with a sense of longing. In the next year or so I was planning on replacing my current bike with a new one. I understood that the bond I have with my current bike would be broken at some point in time; but not now, not like this. That was an issue to be addressed in the distant future. There were so many more big decisions I thought I would have to make before I seriously considered a new bike. It’s been one day and I have had several moments of weakness were I stop what I’m doing and find myself lost in a nostalgic moment of the way things used to be; the different trails I rode, the awesome jumps I landed and the crashes that left me with a few extra man points, a scar or scab, and a story to tell. Now for the first time in my life I feel somewhat vulnerable. Anything in my life whether I hold it dear or not could be dashed to pieces or ripped from my grasp at any point and leave me without direction. Several times throughout the day when I see other bikes or when something reminds me of my bike I want to curl up in the fetal position and weep for a hope of better times to come.

I have only two hopes for my bike now and those are that my bike somehow finds its way home or that the new owner of the bike takes care of it and creates fond memories for many rides to come.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Fresh Start

I will not try to fill the gap from the last time I attempted to start blogging again, however, I do feel as though I could post at least a couple of times a month.

That is not to say that people even read my blog, but if your out there I will post for you, and if your not out there I guess I will post for myself or an imaginary friend of some sort. This will have to do for now until I have the capacity for more.